Aaron Bros. Moving System, Inc. is attending Social Media Week in beautiful downtown Chicago!
Aaron Bros. is very excited to attend many informative and content rich workshops and seminars to provide a better social media experience for those of you who are kind enough to “like,” “follow,” and read our weekly posts. Social Media Week is a global conference aimed at, “capturing, curating, and sharing the most meaningful ideas, trends, and best practices with regards to technology and social media’s impact on business, society, and culture.” Some of the conference we will be attending encompass company branding, social media know-how and engagement, small business within social media, and many more lectures on how to better capture our loyal supporters.
As always, Aaron Bros.’ number one goal with social media is to provide content that is engaging, informative, and just plain enjoyable for our followers. We strive to make a local connection by highlighting our company culture, supporting the neighborhoods we are honored to service, and providing expertise information in all things related to moving.
We look forward to providing you with a better website, Facebook, and Twitter experience Chicago!